Representative Dishes in Hui Cuisine
Hui cuisine with more than a hundred year'shistory is one of the Eight Major Cuisines of China. Hui, unlike othercuisines, features wild game. Cooking methods feature braising in soy sauce,stewing and steaming. Originating in Shexian County, Huangshan City, HuiCuisine is strict about choosing materials, and making sure of freshness andtenderness.
Soft Shell Turtle Stewed with Ham
A soft shell turtle, pork, ham, bamboo shoots, a clove of garlic, shallot,ginger, soy sauce, salt, rice wine, black pepper, lard are all stewed togetherin a pot on charcoal fire. The dish is not greasy and gives diners endlessaftertastes.
Bamboo Shoots from Mt. Wenzheng Cooked withSausage and Dried Mushroom
This dish is a traditional flavor in Huizhou mountainous area. Cooked withsausage and dried mushrooms, the bamboo shoots are more fragrant. It isdelicious, and noted for its good color, juicy meat and thick soup.
Li Hongzhang Hotchpotch
This dish is a popular dish named after one of Anhui's famous personages. LiHongzhang was a top official of the late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911 AD). When hewas in office, he paid a visit to the US and hosted a banquet for all hisAmerican friends. As the specially prepared dishes continued to flow, the chefs,with limited resources, began to fret. Upon Li Hongzhang's order, the remainingkitchen ingredients were thrown together into an impromptu stew, containing seacucumber, squid, tofu, ham, mushroom, chicken meat and other less identifiablefood materials! Thus appetites were quenched and a dish was created.
Mandarin Fish (Chou Guiyu)
This dish features the Mandarin fish from the Xin'an River. After salting, itis braised in soy sauce.
Fried Odorous Bean Curd (Youjian Mao Doufu)
Odorous bean curd is a kind of sour bean curd with a layer of white 'hair'fried in a pan then sprinkled with seasonings. While the bean curd smells bad,it is delicious. It is common to see in snack stalls. If you can bear the odor,you should try it.
Royal Pot (Yi Pin Guo)
Itis said that Royal Pot was created by Mrs. Yu, the wife of Bi Qiang who wasMinistry of Justice, Works, Revenue and Personnel of Shitai County in MingDynasty. One day, the emperor suddenly came to the ministry’s house for dinner.Mrs. Yu prepared a feast of fat things and especially cooked a Hui style hotpot, and the emperor enjoyed this dish very much and called it Royal Pot afterhe learned it was cooked by Mrs. Yu herself. The cooking of this dish is quite demanding. Dried bamboo shoots are put on thebottom of the pot, then flesh lumps are put on the second layer, fried beancurd on the third, pork balls on the fourth and bean threads are covered on thefifth dotted by spinach or dried lily flower. Then all this things are simmeredin water with seasonings. This dish is famous for its county flavor, and tastes thick and fresh.
“Grape” Fish
“Grape” Fish is a creative Hui dish that enjoys high reputation in cookingcircle. This dish originates from Xiao County of Anhui, which is famous forproducing grapes. Inspired by the famed wine there, local cooks create “Grape”Fish that resembles grapes in color, flavor, taste and appearance.
Fish Cooked with Mutton inside (Yu Yao Yang)
This kind of dish is cooked by stewing fish with mutton inside.
It is said that in Qing Dynasty a peasant from Huizhou took four sheep to goacross a river. Because the ship was too small, a ram was squeezed off the shipinto the river and attracted a lot of fish. Those fish enjoyed the mutton andate too much to swim. A lucky fisherman driving a tiny fishing boat came by.Seeing so many fish jumping up the water, he was very happy and threw a net andcaught a lot of fish. After the fisherman went home, he cooked those fish withmutton in and found it very delicious and special. This story was spread outand local cooks also tried to cook such kind of dish and found it tasted reallygood. Since then, the dish has got its name as “Yu Yao Yang” and has becomefamous.
Bean Curd from Mt. Bagong
Bean curd, with more than two thousand years of history, originated fromHuainan region of Anhui. Bean curd of the best quality was produced in theregion of Mt. Bagong of Huainan, thus, bean curd there was called “Mt. BagongBean Curd”. The bean curd was made from pure beans and fountain from Mt.Bagong. The skills of producing bean curd are inherited by generations of localresidents; therefore, the bean curd there is very fine, white, fresh and soft.
Shi'er and Shiji Stewed in Bamboo Tubes
Shiji is a kind of batrachia (frog or toad) living in mountain brooks. Shi'eris a kind of fungus. The shiji is cooked with a sauce of ham and shi’er in thebamboo tubes. It is quite refreshing and tastes fresh and tender.
Fuling Rose Pastry
Fuling Rose Pastry, originated from Fuling Village of Jixi County, got its namefor the rose flower inside the cake sends out fragrance.
The pastry is made of white sugar, sesame, powder and malt sugar as mainingredients, and rose flower, berries as accessories.
Fuliji Roast Chicken
Fuliji Roast Chicken, renowned both at home and abroad, originates from Fulitown 30 miles north to Suzhou City. It has a history of more than 80 years andis famed for its distinctive flavor.
It’s a fine art to cook the roast chicken. First we should choose the healthyand strong chicken and make them drink clean water before killing them. Thenhang them up to dry, spread malt sugar on them and fry them in sesame oil.Last, stew them in soup stock for four to six hours with 13 kinds of spiceslike nutmeg, pepper, angelica, etc.
Wuwei Smoked Duck
Wuweismoked duck, originated from Wuwei county of Chaohu city, has more than 200years of history. It is famed for its fine art, special flavor, selectmaterials, golden and oily color and soft meat.